There are multiple student organizations at Catholic University dedicated to service. Learn how to get involved.
Alpha Phi Omega
Alpha Phi Omega is a national service fraternity, which is based on the principles of the Boy Scouts.Since its founding, it has become gender inclusive, and its aim is to build the qualities of Leadership, Friendship, and Service in college students. At Catholic University, the Zeta Mu Chapter was founded in 1948, and has been serving the campus and its surrounding community ever since.
Nationally, there are 367 active chapters across the United States, and there are even international chapters, too!
APO is a great opportunity to join a brotherhood of people from all over who share a value of service, the bond of friendship, and the drive to become leaders.
Alpha Phi Omega teaches through the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service that we are architects of our own ambitions and that each of us has the opportunity to develop ourselves to be whatever we seek to be.Get Involved
Interested in joining us?Email president.zetamuapo@gmail.com for more information on when our next event is. You can also follow us on social media to find out the latest news and events from Zeta Mu. Learn more about upcoming events on our Nest page.
Follow us on Social Media
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Click here to learn more about APO as a National Organization. -
Best Buddies
Catholic University students are paired with a friend with mental and physical disabilities. Visit our Nest page for more information.
Cardinals for Life
Cardinals for Life works to promote a sustainable culture of life that respects the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death, with particular concern for protection of the unborn. Through community outreach and education initiatives, with a particular emphasis on prayer, CFL strives to promulgate a message of hope and love, rooted in Catholic social teaching, that women and men deserve better than abortion and all life is precious. Our organization lives out our mission through activities such as monthly speakers, weekly sidewalk prayer, community service, attending the Students for Life of America Conference, and participation in both the Vigil for Life and the March for Life. Visit our Nest page for more information.
Habitat for Humanity
About CUA Habitat
The Campus Chapter of Habitat for Humanity at The Catholic University of America was founded in 1997. The mission of our organization is to spread the love of Habitat and help students become lifelong advocates for adequate and affordable housing for all. Students can help bring simple, decent housing to families in the D.C. area and nationwide in various ways, including day builds, weekend retreat builds, and spring break trips!Our chapter has grown rapidly since it was founded. We now offer day build trips on two Saturdays per month, two annual fall retreats, one spring retreat, and five Collegiate Challenge Spring Break trips to various locations across the country. For day trips, we serve in the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.
This year we also had an international build trip to Nicaragua, which occurred in late May 2018!
Our Mission
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope!
Getting Involved
Visit CUA Habitat's website here for more information about day trips, spring break trips, retreats, and how you can support CUA Habitat.To get on our email list join CUA Habitat on The Nest or email cuahabitat@gmail.com. All are welcome! No building experience necessary.
Contact Information
For general questions, day trips, and retreats contact: cuahabitat@gmail.com
For spring break questions contact: cuahabitatspringbreak@gmail.com