Find out how prayer can help you accomplish the work for justice.
Prayer is always an encounter with Christ. Our work for justice depends on this encounter. Only Christ can compel us to give more generously, serve more faithfully and love when we think we have nothing left. Only Christ can give us hope when we are overwhelmed by the suffering of our brothers and sisters. Only with Christ are peace and justice a concrete possibility.
Christ reveals to us the dignity of the human person in the populations that we so easily cast aside and overlook--the unborn, the poor, the immigrant.
Let us integrate prayer into every action we take while spreading Christ's revelation about human dignity.
Prayer Resouces
For more information regarding The Eucharistic Liturgy: Formed, Transformed and Sent click here.
To learn more about a Rosary for Peace in Our Day click here.
To learn more about The Eucharist and Social Mission click here.
For Biblical Reflections on Social Justice click here.