Your support of the Catholic University Immersion Trip Program allows our students to unite with communities and people across the country and the globe who have been marginalized and affected by poverty. The people we meet and the relationships formed begin to build small bridges of solidarity that allow us to take another step towards a society based on the radical love and mercy of the Gospel. By opening our eyes to the injustices affecting our brothers and sisters both far and near, and standing with them in their struggles, we work towards a world centered around love and compassion.
Please keep an eye out in October 2024 for the payment and sponsorship form for our 2025 spring and summer mission trips.
This webpage is for receiving payments for individual trips from students (as well as parents) and receiving sponsorships for individuals who would like to financially support the participating students. On the webpage, you will be able to indicate for whom the payment or sponsorship is going towards.
Please note that while you will be providing support through the university's online giving site, this support is NOT tax deductible.
Questions and concerns may be directed to Sr. Chiara Orsini, Assistant Campus Minister for Service & Justice: orsinich@cua.edu.