Both Domestic and International Programs
Augustinian VolunteersECHO Faith Formation Leadership Program
Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS)
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Life Teen Missions
Marist Missionary Sisters
Rostro de Cristo
Salesian Lay Missioners
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)
Domestic Programs
A Simple HouseAlliance for Catholic Education
Amate House
AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
AmeriCorps VISTA
Appalachia Service Project
Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry
Boys Hope Girls Hope
Camp Gray
Casa Juan Diego Catholic Worker
City Year
Colorado Vincentian Volunteers
Cristo Rey New York Volunteer Program
Holy Cross Associates
Inner City Teaching Corps
Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest
Lasallian Volunteers
Lutheran Volunteer Corps
Maggie's Place
Magis Catholic Teachers Corps
Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers
St. Joseph Workers
Vincentian Service Corps