The Catholic University of America supports social justice. We seek to serve those in need, pursue peace, and defend vulnerable populations in line with Catholic Social Teaching. Explore opportunities to join with fellow students in promoting social justice through prayer, study, and social action.

  • Pope Francis

    Catholic Social Teaching Principles

    Learn how the Church calls us to serve those in need; pursue peace; and defend life.

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  • Catholic University students praying

    Social Justice Prayers

    Find out how prayer can help you accomplish the work for justice.

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  • Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Logo

    Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week

    Join the Office of Campus Ministry in participating in the annual Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week November 12-18, 2023.

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  • Catholic University students talking

    Student Resources on Social Justice

    Explore the national organizations across the country working to make a difference.

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  • Education Guides

    Use these education guides to learn more about the specific populations that we interact with during community service. You can watch videos, listen to podcasts, read articles, do acts of service, and pray with these guides!

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  • student on mission trip

    Immersion Trips

    Every year, approximately 100 Catholic University students spend their summer or spring break encountering marginalized or impoverished populations both in the U.S. and abroad. We walk with and learn from people in Ecuador, Camden, El Paso, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and beyond.

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