With the abundance of service opportunities available, how do you choose which program is right for you? A little research and reflection will have a huge impact on finding the right volunteer site and will make for a life-changing experience. 

  • Goals and Philosophy

    -What is the philosophy of the program?
    -Does it list goals for the volunteer or of the organization?
    -In terms of a spiritual component, what can volunteers expect?

  • Qualifications

    -Age requirements?
    -Languages needed?
    -Particular skills needed (teaching certification?)

  • Work

    -What are the service options?
    -Do I have a choice of work options?
    -Who makes the final selection - the organization or the placement site?
    -Is there a job description?

  • Finances

    -What are the financial costs to me?
    -Will I receive a stipend?
    -Who pays for housing and meals?
    -Who pays transportation costs to the site, to training, back home?

  • Living Arrangements

    -Where will I live?
    -In a community of other volunteers?
    -A mixed community of volunteers and religious?
    -With a family?
    -On my own?

  • Training

    -What kind of training will I receive?
    -Skills training?
    -Language training?
    -Is there an orientation program?
    -Is there any mid-service training or an end-of-service re-entry program?

  • Loans

    -Can my student loans be suspended until completion of my term of service?
    -Will the program assist with the paperwork?

  • Fund-Raising

    -If I need to raise money, will the organization assist me?
    -Are donations tax-deductible for my donors?

  • Dates

    -What are the dates of the training program?
    -When does the volunteer program end?
    -Can I extend my term of service if I desire?
    -What happens if I terminate my volunteer service early?

  • Safety

    -Is the area I work in safe?
    -International: Is the political situation stable?
    -What precautions are taken?
    -What resources are available to me on-site?

  • Health

    -What type of health insurance policy will I receive?
    -Who pays for the policy?
    -International: Do I need to get a physical, a mental health check-up, immunization shots, etc.?

  • Support

    -What kind of support will I receive?
    -Is there a support person for each site?
    -Are there people to whom I can turn if I need to talk about an experience?
    -Will the volunteer program staff make site visits?

  • Former Volunteers

    -Can you give me the names of people who have participated in your program with whom I can talk or meet?

  • Other Questions

    -Do I get vacation?
    -Can I travel back home for a family emergency, or for holidays?
    -Who pays for an emergency trip?
    -International: Can I travel back to the US? Will I need a visa to be there? 
    -Any religious requirements or expectations as per spirituality (i.e. prayer, retreats, etc.)?

Provided by the St. Vincent Pallotti Center: www.pallotticenter.org